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CEO at The Wine Studio & The Human Studio.

Welcome to The Human Studio. I’m Elisa Errea, CEO of The Wine Studio and founder of The Human Studio. We aim to further develop the wine industry and to create a more humane society for the future.

Years ago, I had to make profound changes to my lifestyle, and I learned how to manage my stress, anxiety and various physical symptoms that kept me from enjoying life to the fullest. Thanks to everything I read and studied, I managed to reverse all those physical symptoms and the constant discomfort and feeling of rush. I understood that wellbeing is our responsibility, and I knew that at some point, I’d dedicate my time to helping others become the best version of themselves both from a physical and emotional standpoint.

And….so how did I get here?

I started my career in the wine sector around 25 years ago. In 2013, I founded my company, The Wine Studio, now a leader in professional training and strategic consulting within the wine sector.

I'm lucky to work in a sector where nature determines our rhythm year after year and where we can tread the earth, share conversations and travel worldwide. Moreover, wine is often sold while being enjoyed around a table and meeting interesting people. But it hasn’t been a bed of roses. During my career, I’ve felt the weight of travelling, long meals and never-ending tastings, lack of routine and structure, hours of road travel, stress, etc. Ten years ago, I knew I wanted to run my own company to be able to manage my life as well, starting with my health. I wanted to sleep enough, work out more, practice yoga, understand and regulate my stress, and take pleasure in cooking and eating while caring for my body. I wanted to grow my company at a slow and humane pace.

And, of course, I wanted to care for my daughters and spend more time with them and my husband.

As The Wine Studio grew, I studied and experimented with everything that was good for my body and made me stronger and more emotionally resilient. Yoga came into my life, which I’ve since continuously studied and practised, becoming a certified instructor.

Not long after, I came across the profession I would dedicate the next few years to: health coaching. I studied in the United Kingdom and continued my studies in Functional Medicine in the United States. Now, ten years later, I can say that I’ve truly learned to take care of myself. I know how the human body works and how to evaluate the weight of our lifestyle on our health. I’ve learned how to manage pressure and stress along the way, I’ve delved and explored my ailments, which include celiac disease and microbiome imbalance. I have studied human health in-depth, including different diets and their impact on the human body. As a trained Functional Medicine coach, I approach the human body as a whole and optimize the effect of each lifestyle habit on our health, potentially the cause of imbalances and avoidable chronic illness.

Nevertheless, I saw that a change had to occur in the general environment of the wine sector. Too many of my colleagues and friends were suffering and continue to suffer significantly in their jobs; pressure, stress and physical discomfort are far too common. I’m convinced that there is a different way to lead companies. Based on my experience and training in corporate wellness and stress management, as a Chief Happiness Officer, I want to demonstrate that you can lead a healthy and active lifestyle in this sector and that our companies can contribute positively by leading with their humanity; this is the environment in which individuals can develop their talent while being in line with the values of the wine sector.

I have been preparing my Health Coach toolbox for several years and supporting professionals in becoming the people they want to be, inside and outside the workplace.

And I’ve learned three things:

  1. Chronic stress is behind most health problems.
  2. You don’t have to choose between your job and your personal life. It’s possible to achieve balance.
  3. Everything is interconnected: Our values and beliefs, what we eat, what we think, how we move, how we sleep, who we relate to others and where we work.


Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach

Functional Medicine Coaching Academy (US)

Certified Health Coach

College for Naturopathic Medicine (UK)

Yoga Alliance certified 200h

Yogalife International.

Pranayama (breathing techniques) for Health and Athletic Performance

Akhanda Yoga International

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Programme

Umass Memorial Medical Center

Programa Ejecutivo Chief Happiness Officer


The Stress Map Specialist Training